
New Kayak Brands at Canoes Plus - SOUL and EXO kayaks

Great news - Canoes plus are now the stockists for SOUL waterman and EXO......

Its a brilliant additon to an already great line up - including Jackson kayaks and Prijon.  EXO manufacture a huge range including whitewater kayaks, and also touring kayaks.  In addition to developing more than 60 models, EXO has developed many kayaks including 3 polo kayak models, and exciting Whitewater creekers, and playboats in conjunction with GUIGUI PROD - a well known designer in Italy.

SOUL is the brain-child of Corran Addison- well known and infamous whitewater paddler and Olympian. His latest devleopment/; brand is to develop boats that everyone wants to paddle.  There is a great range of kids kayaks.

" Let’s be realistic, I’m not the paddler I once was – I don’t get to paddle as often, I’m older and stiffer, my joints hurt, and I have nothing to prove. I have a family with a young son and a wife both who are just starting out in paddling, and I want to paddle with them. Does this sound like your average paddler?

If someone is looking for the latest design to win the world championships in freestyle, well there are plenty of choices out there for them; great designs from proven companies, all run by fantastic friends of mine. They have you covered. I want to design boats that are going to be pure fun to just go paddling, with my friends or my family."

The great line-up in SOUL kayaks and EXO will be available in November. If you want to pre-order and reserve your special kayak, just call 18000KAYAK or you can order on line.